How to Beat Cancer With Nutritional Supplements

How to Beat Cancer With Nutritional Supplements

There are several supplements available to a cancer patient. Whether they are used as an alternative to conventional medicine or in addition to treatment, it's important to be well informed before using supplements. A healthy use of supplements can arm the cancer victim's immune system. Some cancer patients can choose a supplement regimen that can reduce tumor size and support remission.


Take Coenzyme Q10. Some studies have concluded there is a lower level of CoQ10 in cancer patients. This nutritional supplement is an antioxidant and is also used by the body to create energy. Anecdotal reports have shown success with cancers of the pancreas, lung, colon, rectum and prostate.


Use garlic in your cooking and as a supplement. The allyl sulfur compounds in garlic have been shown in studies to slow or prevent cancer tumor cells. Another ingredient from garlic, allicin, was used in a study of mice suffering from cancer. Mice who were injected with the allicin responded with a longer life span.


Incorporate other enzymes and nutritional supplements such as ginseng, saw palmetto, selenium, shark cartilage and soy. These are common in association with cancer therapy and can serve a patient in remission status as well. Vitamins A, B3,C, E and also Selenium and folic acid have also been shown to effectively aid the process of cancer treatment.

Tips & Warnings

It's important create a supplement regimen in conjunction with your professional. Some vitamins can actually harm a cancer victim or produce unwanted side effects if not used properly.

How to Be a Natural Beauty with Herbs

How to Be a Natural Beauty with Herbs

Ever wonder what makes some people look so radiant? If you ask someone who has wonderful skin or shiny hair, chances are they are the types of people who take care of themselves.

Not only that, but they are likely using
products that are made from natural ingredients or that include herbs and botanicals. I take this one step further and use simple herbal preparations on my skin and hair to help make my outward appearance look healthier.

What that basically amounts to is I make a tea out of the herbs I choose. Then, I either pour it over my head after I shampoo and condition as a hair rinse, add it to bath water, or just put some of the strong tea on a wash cloth while I'm in the shower. This helps keep my skin and hair looking beautiful and healthy.

I'll give you a list of herbs and what they do in terms of the hair and the skin. You can keep these herbs separate or combine them any way that you like.

Things You'll Need:

Dried herb (if using more than one herb, make sure the total amount is 1 tablespoon)

2 Cups boiling water

Strainer if not using tea bags

Large dish or mug for the water

Herbs You Can Use


Choose one of the herbs from the list.


Decide if you need to control a skin or hair problem such as sensitive skin or dandruff.


Use the steps outlined below to prepare a strong tea to use for your hair or skin.

Steps for Making Herbal Tea for your Body


Add dried herb or tea bag to the dish or mug.


Pour boiling water into the dish or mug.


Let steep 20 to 30 minutes.


Strain out herb or remove tea bag.

Tips & Warnings

Let the tea cool down before you pour it on your head or body.

Make sure you understand about the side effects and that you aren't allergic to the herbs.

How to Balance Chi With Shiatsu Massage

How to Balance Chi With Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique that helps the body achieve optimum balance by working with chi, or energy. Its objective is to keep chi flowing continuously. It is helpful for those whom it's practitioners refer to as "half-healthy," meaning that their body condition is not completely balanced. This causes susceptibility to colds, stomach issues and depression. Rebalancing chi allows the body to heal itself.


Apply firm pressure. Shiatsu means "finger pressure." The technique is performed by applying finger pressure to certain points on the body. These points on the body are the pathway of chi.


Diagnose the problem. A Shiatsu practitioner looks for irregularities in a patient by touching the body. Things like skin problems and posture can reflect any irregularities.


Prescribe the appropriate treatment. Once irregularities are identified, the Shiatsu practitioner is able to determine the best method of treatment. The practitioner will stretch, rock and push the body in order to release the flow of chi and release tension.


Balance Yin and Yang. This is the balance of all energy that exists, including chi. Yin symbolizes light, heat and activity. Yang represents darkness, coldness and rest.

Tips & Warnings

Drink plenty of water immediately after receiving a Shiatsu massage to help flush all of the toxins and impurities that have been released.

Side effects that may occur when the body releases toxins are headache, stiffness and diarrhea.

Unexpected emotional release is a common side effect as the body releases tension during a massage session.

How to Align the Body With Rolfing

How to Align the Body With Rolfing

In the mid 1950's, Dr. Rolf designed a technique for breaking up misaligned fascia and realigning the structural system for a more natural, healthier, body. The system is used today, and even Oprah Winfrey has had a segment on Rolfing. Here's how it can align your body.


Allow the Rolfer to palpitate the muscle fascia. The Rolfer uses his hands to review the muscles, palpitating or feeling for imbalances in the tissue texture, temperature and quality. This step is much like a doctor taking preliminary tests to locate a malady.


Relax your muscles as the Rolfer discriminates, separating the muscle fascia that needs to be worked on and correcting it. Muscle fascia will form improperly after an injury. Once this builds, it keeps the body out of alignment unless it's broken down and reworked. The misalignment causes pain, fatigue and structural damage.


Feel the Rolfer integrate your body using gravity, bringing it back to the way it's supposed to work. Rolfing is different from other massages. It attempts to realign the body so that the force of gravity is working with you instead of against you.


Continue for at least the traditional 10 sessions. Rolfing was created to be completed in 10 sessions. However the first 3 sessions are a great introduction to the Rolfing process.


Practice the movements the Rolfing therapist assigns to you. To help the body realign, the therapist gives you a series of movements to practice at home. The ultimate benefit of Rolfing is shown by the sincerity of the receiver. If the whole program is judiciously practiced, then alignment of the body should be complete.

How to Aleviate Back Pain With the Alexander Technique

How to Aleviate Back Pain With the Alexander Technique

Chronic pain has become a part of life for many people and it's difficult to do simple chores. Depression or addiction to pain killers may even follow. Efforts to alleviate back pain with the Alexander Technique could prove helpful by teaching sufferers how to change how they use their bodies in their daily lives.


Research to find an Alexander Technique teacher close to you. Note that practitioners may not be listed as such because many times other body workers, such as physical trainers or massage therapists, are also trained in the Alexander Technique.


Make sure your teacher is qualified. The American Society for Alexander Technique (AmSAT) requires 1,600 hours of training over a minimum of three years in an AmSAT approved training program for a teacher to become certified.


Understand the Alexander Technique is not an exercise or a treatment. You won't need to remove any clothing and you won't need any injections or medications. You will be asked to perform certain movements that require using your back. This is so the teacher can see how you are using your body and gently guide your movements with his or her hands to help you conserve energy and relax during your sessions.


Describe your symptoms to your teacher. Your teacher will show you how to adjust your posture or change muscular patters that cause stress to accumulate in the neck and back. This will help you become more in tune with your body's way of telling you when your muscles are tense or your nerves are compressed.


Continue your sessions, usually 30-45 minutes long, for several weeks. With repetition, you should be able to start to recognizing and preventing harmful patterns of movement. You will then be well established in how to move more wisely and you should have broken some bad movement habits, all of which will result in less back pain and fewer pain pills.

Tips & Warnings

As with any alternative treatment for pain, you should check with your doctor before trying the Alexander Technique.

How to Match Shoes With Your Outfit

How to Match Shoes With Your Outfit

To put your best foot forward in the right pair of shoes every time, just follow the tips below.

Things You'll Need:

Men's Dress Shoes

Men's Running Shoes


Women's Dancing Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Pair a long skirt with ankle- or knee-high boots, flat shoes, ballet slippers or backless slide-ons.


Wear conservative pumps of medium height with skirts for work. A rounded or square toe and a stacked or slightly tapered heel look professional.


Choose platforms or clunky loafers with some heel with a casual skirt.


Don stylish footwear with a dressy skirt. Try high sandals for skirts that graze or just cover the knee, or pointed-toe shoes with Sabrina heels.


Zip up some knee-high boots with a miniskirt if you're leggy and bold enough.


Ground your jeans or corduroys with boots, chunky-soled shoes or sneakers.


Slip on open-toed flats or espadrilles with soft, looser pants such as palazzo pants.


Choose oxfords or loafers that are flat or have low to medium heels with business pants.


Wear boots with long, dressy pants, or high, strappy sandals with straight, glamorous pants in sleek fabrics.


Put on platforms or open-toed mules with capri pants, or nosebleed-high sandals for daring nights out.

Tips & Warnings

Wear shoes with ankle straps only if you have long legs. The straps truncate and shorten the leg.

If you're shopping for shoes to match a specific skirt or pair of pants, wear the article of clothing while you shop.

Avoid shoes that don't feel comfortable the minute you put them on, no matter how great they look.

Be careful with platforms, as it's easy to turn an ankle in these.

How to Match Purses and Clothes

How to Match Purses and Clothes

With the endless shapes, colors, textures and patterns available in handbags now, matching your purse to your clothing can seem a daunting challenge. Fear not fashionistas, we have everything you need to know to match your purse to your clothes and look like you stepped out of a magazine.


Consider your clothes before you choose a purse. Think about whether your outfit is trendy, classic, casual or dressy and whether your clothes are solid-colored or patterned. Know where you plan to go and what you're doing that day.


Choose a color first. If your outfit is all neutral colors, a bright


can add a punch of color. If your wardrobe choice involves vivid colors, a basic brown or black bag can tone it down a bit. Matching is unnecessary. Just make sure all the colors complement one another.


Pick a pattern if your clothes are all solid colors. You can mix and match patterns in some cases, but it's tricky. If you decide to take a chance on wearing a patterned purse with a patterned outfit, choose patterns where colors match.


Select a purse that's proportional to your outfit. A giant handbag, while stylish, might look out of place next to a prim and proper sundress. Nevertheless, you needn't sacrifice functionality for style-tiny clutches are cute, but they may not hold everything you'll need for the day.


Look at length. If you like shoulder bags, choose one that hits at a flattering place on your body, because handbags add bulk to your frame. If your hips are large, your purse should stop at your waist to draw the eye upward. If you have a thick waist, pick a purse with a longer strap.